Wednesday, December 23, 2009

MAS Update! Check it out!

Hello and Happy Holidays from the MASMediaStudios Crew!
Now, I know it's been a minute since you, the My Space fans and extended family have heard from us, so here’s an update for all those who have been following our progress.
The team is hard at work, finishing up the latest issues of Street Journal, slated for release well before next summer! Anibal “The Animal” Arroyo is hard at work cranking out the pages and I have to tell you, as the story heats up, so does the pages being produced. Anibal’s art is constantly racing to a higher level with each page, virtually taking each panel to another level. Trust me on this! You will not be disappointed with the upcoming issues. In the meantime, look for sneak peaks at some of the pages coming your way in the upcoming months.
Also, it seems that MAS is blessed to be working will some of the most talented creator's in the independent comic business, Now, we can’t say who that will be just yet (that will be revealed at the Heroes Con) but we can say that great things are coming from each creator working with MAS in the independent comic camp. Stay tuned to see who the secret guests are and tell a friend! It will be an event to remember.
But the biggest news in the MAS camp is the development and release of three, that’s right, at least three future projects slated for release this upcoming summer. Now although it’s a few months away, the art table is already sizzling, and the pages are “off the hook,” drawn by non other than the great creative forces that make up Big Cat Studios. That’s right! They are putting their talents to the art table for the MAS Crew, which means one thing! Phenomenal art work on a top notch, professional level! (For more visuals just go to the 2009 archives on MasmediastudioCrew website and click where it says Big Cat in our blog. It will patch you right in) MAS are planning to come into this upcoming summer with a bang, so keep your eyes open and plugged in! The best is yet to come!

For more info just click here or go to. Our Website at:

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Trinity

Hey all Arroyocus here,just dropping some philosophy ,I can be rather deep incase u didn't know.The number three a very meaningful number. Think about it the Holy trinity, the Egyptian Pyramids,the mysterious Bermuda triangle,even the latest film trend of making franchise projects in trilogies. All are corralated by the number three,which brings me to the formation of MAS. Medina,Arroyo,Syphax ,each an individual on his own,with distinct characteristics,different personalities,and backgrounds,yet all working as one. Within all humans, the mind,the heart and the soul each very different in structure and funtion yet all three make up what it takes to sustain life within a human body. None of these can exist without the other,and with out the combination of the three there is no life. Such is the comparison to the individuals that make up MAS. Alone they can exist, they can live yes, but only combined can they succeed. The mind of Medina, (not Mencia, as in the mexican comic ha ha),the heart of Arroyo,and of course the soul of Syphax. Each bring a different element to the table, an ingredient if you will into the mix. At times the roles are interchanged,at times one has the power of the heart ,the other has the mind ,and the last has the soul.Either one of the three can possess either three of the powers.But again what is a mind without a heart,and what can a heart do without a mind,and what can become of either of the two without a soul?There it is my peeps,my philosophy on MAS, well told ya I can be deep.

Friday, October 23, 2009

In Russ News...

What's up my people? So we're trying to keep our promise of keeping you guys updated more frequently on the news section. With that in mind, I decided I'd dedicate this blog to our title Russ5377. So here it is!

Russ is an idea that I came up with, oh 10 years ago! Wow! A decade! A lot has happened in those ten years. Russ has gone through quite a transformation. Not only in appearance but also in story. The basic premise as some of you might know, is the story of a young boy who lives in an orphanage where the doctors who run it are bent on creating the perfect specimen, so they use the boys in the orphanage as their guinea pigs.

A friend of mine, David Quiles described Russ as a "sci-fi, urban tale". I like that. Why? well because it is, or at least that's how it started. The story is definitely "sci-fi" why with all those scientist running around experimenting on kids. And it was "urban" because of the style it was originally drawn in. Growing up in the late eighties to mid nineties, I was heavily influenced by hip hop and graffiti style art, so when I designed the original sketches for Russ, I threw in that hip hop-baggy-clothes style of that era. But like I said earlier, Russ has gone through quite a transformation. Today, Russ has acquired a different style. It's moved more towards manga. When I hired the current artists to take on the project late last year, I asked them to give me The Boondocks meets Dragon Ball Z as far as art style. And they answered the call!

The story is a 6-part mini series (Anibal can tell you how he feels about "6-part story archs") due out as a graphic novel in early 2010. Currently we are starting art work on the fifth book. Here's a sneak peak at the cover for issue#4. We are very excited about this project and as the release date approaches, we will have more updates. Talk to you guys soon.


Monday, October 12, 2009

It's October! It's the Big Apple Comic Con

The Big Apple Comic Con is back. And although the venue has been changed and it will now make its home at pier 94 55th street at 12th ave in New York, this show promises to be a big one with lots of guests. The show has something for everyone and the guest list is a great example of that. There will be celebrities from TV-to the big screen-to sports-to music! But don't fear comic fans! There WILL be comics! And MAS Media Studios (us) will be there in full effect! For those of you who have yet to pick up the Street Journal we will have copies of the first issue and the entire team will be there to sign it for you!

Also at the show, I am happy to announce that we will be sharing a table with our friend James Rodriguez of Novastar Studios who will be debuting his creator owned project The Chronicles of Sarah. This a project that James has been working very hard on and you guys won't be disappointed. Come check that out!

The show is a three day event so come on down for the weekend! See you there guys.


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

At the Lab with MAS!

It's been an exciting couple of months behind the scenes here in MASodonia. The lab is percolating! Our mad scientist Arroyocus, is concocting the perfect blend of pencils and inks on the next chapter of Street Journal and the pages looks great! (Sneak peek coming soon we promise!) Now although it's been a while since you guys got an update, never fear, we are hard at work putting together some quality product.

Check it out... for our Street Journal fans, we are glad to report that the third book is just about finished and Mr. Arroyo has begun penciling the fourth installment of this 6-part mini series. We have our sights set on an early Summer 2010 release! The graphic novel promises to have lots of behind the scene stuff like script-to-final-page comparisons, sketches and other cool things! We've worked long and hard on this project and I think it is safe to say it will not disappoint.

Russ5377 is the other project that we have been very busy with. Now I know we have a few pages posted here on the site for you to check out, but in the upcoming months we will have a surprise for those that have been wondering "when is this thing being released". I wanna personally thank all of you who picked up the mini comic at our past comic book convention appearances. Here's the scoop on the project. There was a disclaimer within the mini comic that explained that this project would not be printed out as single issues but instead, will be compiled into a graphic novel due out winter 2009. A lot of that is still true...the book will not be printed out as single issues. The plan is to (here comes the surprise) have the first 22 pages available for download as a PDF right here on As far as the book being released winter 2009... the release date has been pushed back a few months to winter 2010. We apologize for that, but we promise the book looks great and I think it will be worth the wait.

Our next project comes from the wild and crazy mind of Mr. Anibal Arroyo. The artist who brought you the hardcore and edgy, no holds barred, grungy, dirty, dark and explicit artwork for Street Journal comes with... a children's book? That's right folks! That's called versatility brothers and sisters! The book is called Lil' Steve's Closet, but that's all we can say right now! We will be posting more about it on "The Projects" section of the site.

Finally, Mr. Jonathan Syphax AKA Syphaxius, has a project he's been working hard and diligently on for the past few years. A collection of short stories! Yeah my people, a prose book from MAS! That's all I will say for now, but look for updates on that as well.

Ok chicos and chicas, I must now bid all of you farewell. It's been real...see you in a few months! heh heh!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Fresh From San Diego!

Hello all! Ok so I flew in from the biggest comic con in all the land (the US of A) a couple of days ago, and as always it never disappoints! Although I was flying solo on this trip to San Diego (my fellow MASadonians had to take care of bitness here on the east coast!) I was happy with the outcome.

The San Diego Comic Con was celebrating forty years! FORTY YEARS! And it was awesome! It's amazing how much the con has grown in that time. I've been fortunate to attend the show for three years and in that short time I was amazed to see how much it's grown! The convention center in downtown San Diego can hardly accommodate it. In fact, rumors were flying around the convention that they might (A.) expand the convention center or (B.) move the convention elsewhere: Los Angeles was one place rumored to be host as well as Vegas. Vegas sounds great right? NEGATIVE! It gets Africa hot in Vegas in July! No bueno! The weather in San Diego is ideal in July, especially when you have to stand on line waiting to get into the place. Could you imagine standing in 110 + weather in the blazing desert sun waiting to get into a place where it gets so packed with people that some days it seemed like the air conditioning in the building wasn't strong enough? No sir!!

But anyway, the show was a success for us little guys, although I learned a very valuable lesson as a first time exhibitor. What was that lesson? STAND OUT! There are so many talented folks out there with displays that will make you say "WOW!" You have to go out there with a great set up for your table other wise you just get lost in the shuffle! Nevertheless, it was a very motivational experience for me, especially since even though my display was limited (to say the least) I was able to just about sell out of Street Journal #1 books and made a lot of good contacts. People were happy to pick up the book and find they could relate with the plight of the main character. It was awesome to hear them say, "keep up the great work!" and "stay motivated, this sounds like a great story!" And so I wanna thank everyone at the show who picked up the first book of Street Journal! Please stop by the about us section of the site and email us telling us what you thought of the book. Positive or negative all criticism is appreciated!

Well guys, I'm off! But before I bounce up out of here I just wanna send a shout out (what is this Video Music Box with Ralph McDaniels? Hahaha! My thirty year old hip hop heads know what I'm talking about...anyway) to Mr. Samuel Vera with whom I shared the table at the con. Yo, this kid had a flying saucer and an alien coming out of the toilet on his side of the table! Hahaha! It's all about the set up! Also I wanted to say what's up to Mr. David Montoya and Mr. Jose Calderon and Ms. Daphne Lage! It was a great show can't wait till next year!

Well, thank you for stopping by and stay tuned for new developments. We are back in the lab working hard trying to get more product out! See you soon!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Latest developments

Good day all Arroyocus here with the latest info on whats going on .First off ,the biggest show of the year and perhaps in the country,is right around the corner,yes it is time once again for the SanDiego Comic-Con. It is scheduled for about a month away in July. For anyone who has never been to one before,I will tell you it is trully a fanboys dream come true. I had the pleasure of actually working one as a vendor a few years back. It is wall to wall everything you can imagine,from comic books to action figures ,to the latest in video game technology and movie entertainment.This year our own Jorge Medina will be working the show ,along side Crazeecomics' creator Sam Vera. Jorge will be working the crowd and making connections while promoting his creator owned title Russ5377, and the co-produced title with creator Jonathan Syphax ,Street Journal,of which I so happen to be the artist on. We look forward to a very productive and successful outcome. In further developments ,my own freelance commissions operation is going very well. I have completed another design, with coloring and digital assists from Mr. Medina. We have yet another logo design job lined up ,as well as a cover design for indie comicbook creator and friend Jemir Johnson. The cover will be for issue three of his soon to be released title,Vigilance, more on that as it developes. As for my own projects I am continuing work on a children's book I have been developing, planned release date is tenatively fall 2010 at the NY Comic-Con. We are collectively also working on other projects related to promoting ourselves further and enabeling us to reach a broader audience,also more on that as it developes. We continue to strive towards our goals, it is at times very challenging yet it always ends up very rewarding. Till next time ,,in the words of the great Porky pig da da da dats all folks.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

New Logo! New Member!

Hey guys!
I know it's been a while since our last update on the site. Please forgive us, but there are perfectly good explanations for that... One: We've been working hard putting together the next installment of our flagship title Street Journal! Anibal is killing the pages and they are looking great! The cover for issue three should be making its way to the internet within the next couple of days. Stay tuned and log on to our myspace or our brand new facebook pages for those developments.

Plus, I'm sure by now you have noticed that there's a new MAS Media Studios logo on the site! That's right, we have decided to go with a new look this year. You likes? The new logo belongs to the creative mind of Mr. Robert Nuñez, who has also become the newest member to the ever-growing MAS Media family! We have known Rob for a while and it's a pleasure to officially welcome him here on the website!

What's also in the works is a brand new MAS Media Studios site! And guess who's designing that? That's right, Mr. Nuñez himself! He's a busy bee these days and we expect to see the new design of the site sometime before the end of the year!

Robert also has a secret project in the works that we will unveil when the time is right. I can't tell you much, but I can say this... IT IS HOT!! BLAZING! FLAVORS! OFF THE HOOK!! Or whatever term you kids are using these days to describe amazing work!

I told you we've been busy! But no worries, we will continue to keep you updated and hopefully this time, it won't take close to two months! Aight familia, I'm out!


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Comic-Con09 recap

Well the New York Comic-con has come and gone again, all the preparation, the stress, the drama, the behind the scenes last minute shuffling finally all over, whew,,,,time to start getting ready for it all again next year. The show was a major success by all accounts, it was the second for us as a company and with each passing year we step it up a notch. Last year we had a six ft table which we shared, this year we did it a little better and managed to lock down a booth. The booth and the accomplishment of actually lockin' it down was a feat, that while being a symbolic representation of our lil ole company moving up, was not reached without many obstacles to over come. First of all there were many phone calls made missed and returned, messages via email, a lot of going back and forth. Many, many arguments amongst ourselves, and of course, the economy had to throw its wrench at us. At one time even after having been told the booth would be ours it was allegedly up for bidding,,,going to whoever had the money first. With all this we managed to stay focused, our goal being getting in and selling out. We enlisted the aid of some indie friends, Skygraphx (their tees are hot), and Darkvision comics, ( you guys are awesome), and getting in with a booth secured became a reality. Once we were in we did what we set out to do ,,,we sold out. Personally it was a great achievement for myself, I work full time I have a family, and at times I feel I spread myself way too thin, but all the positivity and great feedback from the public made it all worth while. Jon and Jorge I just want to say thank you for reaching out to me and letting me be a part of all this you guys did an awesome job setting up, you both did an amazing job as salesmen and lets keep on doing it,,,,Cant wait for next year,,,also I want to thank the guys sharing the booth with us, lets do it again next year, and to all who support us and our movements thanx a billion,,,,good bye,,,and God bless,,,,,,

Thursday, January 29, 2009

RUSS x 4

Hey guys!
The weekend of the biggest comic book extravaganza in New York draws near. Everyone here at MAS Media is excited! Why? Well there are a few reasons! Personally guys, I can't wait for all of you to see what we have in store for you! Just so that you know, when you come to Booth 1901A, you will be able to pick up issues 1 and 2 of Street Journal. What you will also be able to get your hands on is Russ 5377 Project:Prototype. I'm hoping you guys enjoy this first issue of a story that I have been working on for a very long time.

For all of those comic fans who understand the idea behind the alternate cover, (and if you do, come next weekend can someone explain it to me please? heh heh). Just kidding, well in the spirit of "the alternate cover", we have decided to give you four different versions for the Russ 5377 book. Below you will see four covers labeled A-D, tell us which one is your favorite by answering the poll on the right.

We here at MAS have our favorites but we'd like to know what you guys think! See you at the con!

Friday, January 23, 2009


Yes! This February the MAS Media Studios Crew will be center stage in the biggest convention in the world, the New York Comic Con at the Jacob Javitz Center for the NEW YORK RE-RELEASE of their highly coveted book, "Street Journal" and this time we are bringing along some guests. Joining us in booth 1901A are our friends James Seetal and Carlos Rivera of Dark Vision Comics!

After our success on our first showing, MAS Media Studios has come back for another appearance, and there is a lot in store. Limited copies of our original behind the scenes book (the prequel to the Street Journal) will be available, along with the first and second issues penciled and inked by artista Anibal Arroyo! "We are all very excited about the Street Journal and can't wait till you see what we have in store for you as the story goes into its second chapter." Says creator and co-writer Jonathan Syphax.

And get this, finally Russ is back!!! That's right Russ 5377 is making a comeback with an all new first issue! The revamped story features a new art team! Big Cat Studios provides amazing visuals as creator Jorge Medina scribes the scripts!

So join us at Booth 1901A from February 6th to the 8th, and join in the fun…you don't want to miss this!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Welcome to MAS News!

Hello all! So as you might have noticed, (or maybe not) the NEWS section has changed a bit. We hope that this makes it easier for all of you to post comments 'cause we love to hear what you all out there have to say. We plan or should I say "I", 'cause I don't want to speak for my fellow "MASonians" when I say this, but I plan to keep these blogs nice and light. That doesn't mean that you will not get some serious information about what we're doing at MAS Media Studios, it just means that when I say "NEWS", I don't mean CNN style stuff. Well that's what you'll get from me. What you get from Syphaxius and Arroyocus is totally up to them! Hahaha.

What you will get from all of us, is the latest and greatest info about upcoming projects as well as developments within our young company. The info will range from what Anibal had for lunch to what conventions we're going to hit next! Jon tells me he has some really important info to share with u all so I will let him tell you about the fact that we will be at the Jacob Javitz center on February 6-8th for the New York Comic con! There you go Jon I got them nice and warmed up for you!

Medinamus signing out ya'll!

Oh and check out the new masmedia store for all your MAS Media Studio needs!