Thursday, December 9, 2010

Day 3! The Final Charge!

Welcome to the last installment of...

MAS Adventures at the New York Comic Con for the year 2010!

Here we are; Day 3! Down to the home stretch!

There’s no overtime, and, at best, just a few seconds left on the clock, which means that the MAS Crew has to find a way to end the event strong, in MAS style!

As all the days preceding, Sunday, has its specific hurtles to over come! First off, by day three, we are popped! For the last 24 hours MAS has been on full octane, flooring the gas pedal down to the metal with very little let up! We’ve had a blast Day 1 & 2(for a run down of the previous action, just check out the previous blogs), but by now, our Superman capes are somewhat frayed, so we must find a way to dig deep and reach our mark! Let’s face it, the attendance on Sundays are usually a steady drop from Saturdays, which means, you guessed it, less people;

...But no fear! It seemed the comic independent Gods were shinning down upon us, because the crowds poured in. To our surprise, the last day seemed to be more packed than the first, which was a sure fire sign that not only is the popularity of the show growing, but so should our sales! That is all the incentive MAS needed to get ready to strike, rejuvenated the MAS Team, setting in motion a sales display for the independent history books! From the gate, sale after sale flooded in, and what may have began as a single book sale mushroomed into a progressive push of prints and sales packages!

...Alas, the clock ticked down to the final seconds of the show. It was not long before the MAS team closed out the day, with a Profit! That’s right, you read correctly, a Profit (say that ten times fast). By the end of the day, MAS had accomplished 3 things that many say is impossible! We were able to take in a profit, reserve a table and, get this, walk away with our individual pockets a little less empty!

Conclusion, the three days at the Con was a huge success, cementing our place within the New York Comic Convention circuit, while providing us with a solid business foundation, motivating MAS to create and innovate the independent market for 2011!

MAS would like to give a special thanks to Mark Fincher of Reed Exhibitions and the New York Comic Con, James Seetal and Carlos Rivera(Writer/Creator of Neo-Dan), including all family, friends and fans that supported us, and also, a special thanks to Ka-Blam Publishing, whose polished professionalism and efficient publishing service allowed us to go to the Convention fully stocked and ready to go. Oh, and I can’t forget my brothers in crime, the MAS Crew!

So that's it! This particularMAS adventure has reached it's endpoint. Continue to stay tuned! Updates will be made to the web-site and new projects are on the way, and for those who are wondering about our next engagement, check the ONE THE ROAD section of our web-site. It’s all there! Well, happy reading and well catch you at the next blog!

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