"Here we are, Day 2 and MAS now has the daunting task of following up a huge sales day with an even bigger one! Not an easy task, especially in an environment guaranteed to be shoulder to shoulder! Now, in my “vast” years of sales experience, I’ve came to this simple truth, ones’ second wind (or in our case, sales day) is the most important one there is because it sets the momentum for the following day. It is very likely that if you have a strong sales day midway, then that momentum will carry you through to a win at the end! Games are won virtually from the second half on, in some cases full court press steps up and leads are either gain (or loss) at this point (simple law of averages, that and a little of Jon’s principles of selling…ha ha, get me? but see, it does hold a lot of weight)….
….So I had to rally the troop but the MAS Crew, knowing this, had something for those “stinking law of averages, and Jon’s rules! Our counterbalance, the entire MAS team on deck, along with, our Road dog, the infamous, Jim, Jim (shouts to you aka “Tough Dog!)”
With these pieces in place, MAS went on a rampage, tearing up the sales floor with a flurry of sales combinations that would even make Joe Frazier,” dizzy! Cards were being passed out! All points of sales were being hit! Each customer was being engaged! Product was being promoted and prints were being sold! ( Anibal was so pumped that he did not purchase one action figure, now that is monumental) Sales came in like a monsoon! I tell ya, MAS was amped and collectively lived up to its name, placing another brick in the constructing of the MAS dream!
Before we knew it, the phenomena known as the New York Comic Convention closed shop for its second day! With our inventory a lot lighter and 1,000 5377 books dancing in our heads, we went on our merry way, geared up for the next day. With our hearts and minds, we were ready to roll, anticipating nothing less than a strong close out to finish the weekend! Let’s just hope that we could make our goal a reality. Personally, I’d put my money on MAS!
Tune in for the conclusion of “The Adventures of MAS: The Convention Chronicles,” Day 3. (I know, it’s been used before but hey, even Shakespeare took a few good titles of his own!)"
And that was the recap of Day 2 according to Jon. A bit late we know, but better late than never right? Day 3 recap to come. Heh heh!